Welcome to Drayton Players - Oxfordshire A scene from - “Away With the Fairies This Christmas” - December 2023 If you are interested in joining us or helping backstage Contact us  by phone  (01235) 821351 Email:    info@DraytonPlayers.org.uk 2 scenes from  - “DeckChairs” - in November 2022 “The Guilt Card” “Day Trippers” A scene from  - “Absurd Person Singular” - in Nov 2017 A scene from  - “BusyBody” - in Feb 2016 A scene from  - “Bankers Gone bonkers” - at the Abingdon Drama Festival in June 2019 Recent Productions

Drayton Players have produced many shows in our 50+ year history, and we are always on the lookout for more people to join in the fun!

We are more than just a drama group.  

Drayton offers as wide a range of different types of entertainment as possible. We have tackled drama, comedy, variety, musicals and panto.


We are keen to organise an active social life away from rehearsals.

Our programme of events will include trips to see other amateur performances, parties, barbeques this year


We rehearse on a Tuesday nights, at 7.00pm. All village hall bookings will be organised prior to our shows and all cast and non performers will be informed.

Drayton membership charge is £40 per production as of 2024

BreakaLeg Productions

Our 1 Act play for the
Drama Festivals in Abingdon and Wallingford in June, will be:

Last Tango in Little Grimley By David Tristram

Little Grimley Amateur Drama Society is in trouble. Membership has dwindled to four, and audiences aren’t much bigger! Time for dramatic action.
“There's only one thing that sells tickets these days – sex” argues Gordon the Chairman.  But how will the locals react to the promise of a sizzling sex comedy?

We will be performing on Friday 7th June at the ODN Drama Festival at the Unicorn Theatre in Abingdon, OX14 3HZ

Also on Saturday 15th June at the Wallingford Drama Festival at the Corn Exchange in Market Place, Wallingford, OX10 0EG